Volume 77, Issue 1
(Almost) No Bad Drugs: Near-Total Products Liability Immunity for Pharmaceuticals Explained
Anita Bernstein
This Article explores four beliefs about supposed pharma-benevolence that appear to be shared by more than the industry, reaching the level almost of conventional wisdom.
Personal Jurisdiction and National Sovereignty
Ray Worthy Campbell
State sovereignty, once seemingly sidelined in personal jurisdiction analysis, has returned with a vengeance.
The Dilemma of Interstatutory Interpretation
Anuj C. Desai
Courts engage in interstatutory cross-referencing all the time, relying on one statute to help interpret another.
Secret Conviction Programs
Meghan J. Ryan
Judges and juries across the country are convicting criminal defendants based on secret evidence.
Supreme Court Journalism: From Law to Spectacle?
Barry Sullivan & Cristina Carmody Tilley
Few people outside certain specialized sectors of the press and the legal profession have any particular reason to read the increasingly voluminous opinions through which the Justices of the Supreme Court explain their interpretations of the Constitution and laws.
Supervisors Without Supervision: Colon, McKenna, and the Confusing State of Supervisory Liability in the Second Circuit
Ryan E. Johnson
This Note analyzes two intra-Second Circuit splits that make it nearly impossible for prisoners to recover against supervisors under § 1983.
Reinvesting in RICO with Cryptocurrencies: Using Cryptocurrency Networks to Prove RICO’s Enterprise Requirement
Andrew Robert Klimek
This Note argues that the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO) may be suited to cryptocurrency prosecutions.