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Comment: Further Consideration on the Relationship Between the Americans with Disabilities Act, Supported Decision-Making, and Medical Aid in Dying


Amitai Heller


April 20, 2023

As Ms. Rosen’s Note explains in further detail, the use of supported decision-making creates an opportunity for persons with cognitive impairments to participate more fully in their end-of-life care. While this Comment focuses on the legal requirement for healthcare providers to serve people with cognitive impairments at the end of life, the tenets of patient autonomy, self-determination, and the dignity of risk must be integrated into end-of-life practice to provide guidance where legal requirements are absent or ambiguous. The use of the supported decision-making model in end-of-life care will only succeed when healthcare providers participate in an open-minded manner. It is only through this type of engagement that we empower individuals with cognitive disabilities to participate fully in their own end of life journey.


Amitai Heller, Comment: Further Consideration on the Relationship Between the Americans with Disabilities Act, Supported Decision-Making, and Medical Aid in Dying, 80 Wash. & Lee L. Rev. 617 (2023).
